Coordinators: Karen Keim and John McGraw

The Printmakers Guild meets in the SRAL Studio on the fourth Wednesday of September through May, with exceptions during the winter holidays —when we avoid Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks.

Meetings are from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Karen Keim oversees an email list that keeps everyone informed.

​From three to twelve members usually attend our meetings. We are primarily a working group with demos and instructions provided as needed. SRAL has two Akua Pin Presses and a Blick Intaglio Press (12-inch bed) located in Room A of the studio. Members who have been trained (see John McGraw) may use the equipment personally but must know how to protect press blankets, store the presses, and clean up afterwards.

​There is no Special Interest Group (SIG) fee, but participants are encouraged to buy their own printing paper, inks, and other materials as needed. We have limited supplies of Akua inks, tools, and paper. Members learn a variety of methods for creating printmaking art.

​All SRAL members, with or without printing experience, are welcome to join this group. Each monthly meeting will give you an opportunity to create prints. Members are encouraged to enter their work in an Annual Print Show in the Desert Hills Lobby and in a September Print Showcase in the SRAL Studio. Come join us!

Click image for full view of the artwork.

Pictures from left to right: Serigraph/Collage #1 by John McGraw; Serigraph/Collage #2 by John McGraw; Potpourri by Karen Keim; As the Crow Flies by Bob Hamilton