Coordinator: Debbie Nealy
The Oil Painting Group and the Pastel Group have combined to create a dynamic group of enthusiastic artists. In the past the Oil Painting Group was known as OPAL. The oil painters work in the ventilated studio and the pastel painters are in the main studio. This group meets every Monday from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
We are a friendly, supportive, and informal group which allows our members a scheduled time to paint, share ideas, and techniques. Though we have no formal demos or instruction, we are member-lead, so are open to requests for critiques, still-life set-ups, and demos. We welcome both beginner and accomplished artists alike!
Click image for full view of the artwork.
Pictures from left to right: At the Rodeo by Nanci Sheppard; Forsyth Summer by Deb Nealy; Beau by Lisa Schmidt; A Dark and Stormy Night by Judy Lawrence