2025 Masters Show at West Center

Sunday, February 16 – Monday, March 31, 2025

Recreating a Master painting is a time-honored tradition for developing artistic skills. It is a great way to try out a new technique, improve on your own style, and have some fun!

This year the special section will be for Cubist artists. Some eligible artists to reproduce paintings by are Roger de la Fesnaye, Robert Delaunay, Albert Gleizes, Juan Gris, Paul Klee, Fernand Leger, Aristarkh Lentulov and Lyubov Popova. Note that Picasso is not mentioned, as he has not been deceased since on or before 1955. Due to copyright laws, an artist must be deceased for at least 70 years to be copied legally. Of course, this is optional and you may choose any artist or painting that you deem to be a Master. You may enter 2 paintings, so why not try cubism? Entry forms will be available later this fall.

Due to the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) online, with fake interpretations of famous artists, there will be a line on the entry form to enter the provenance of the painting that you are reproducing. Examples are: title of the book it was listed in, which museum it is hanging in, which personal collection it is from, or when/where it was sold at auction (like Christy’s). It is no longer enough to just take a painting from a Google search. Our library has many great books to find a painting that you like.

It’s Time to Start your Paintings for the Masters Show!


  • Each artist may enter two pieces
  • There is no size limit, but keep dimensions reasonable.
  • No Entry Fee
  • Prizes: Artists’ Choice Awards
  • Entry Postmark Deadline: Saturday, February 8, 2025
  • Prospectuses (Description, Criteria, and Entry Form) are available in the Studio or Download Prospectus
  • Please direct any questions to Cheryl Schaeffer.