2024 Masters Show at East Center

Friday, March 1 Through Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Co-Chairs: Cheryl Schaeffer and Joyce Cox

Recreating a Master painting is a time-honored tradition for developing artistic skills. It is a great way to try out a new technique, improve on your own style, and have some fun!

The awards, as voted by fellow artists in the show, in alphabetical order, are:

“Drying Clothes” after: Helen Allingham, 1886
Artist: Kathleen Bolivar

“Flaming June” after: Frederick Leighton, 1895
Artist: Diane Conant

“Little Peasant Girl” after: Heinrich Hirt, ca 1890
Artist: Karen McDermott

“Thistle” after: Fidelia Bridges, 1886
Artist: Valerie St Marie

“”Sneak Attack” after: Henriette Ronner-Knip, ca 1890
Artist: Cheryl Schaeffer

“A Comforting Friend in her Moment of Grief”, after: Arthur Wardle, 1892
Artist: Cheryl Schaeffer