AUGUST 8TH FROM 1:00 – 3:00 PM

“Ink & It’s Hidden Possibilitiess”

Ink is usually relegated to the ‘writing tools bin’. But it can be an extremely exciting, alive tool for creating a wide variety of effects that range from very sharp lines to soft, watercolor effects. Join me as we take a brief walk through just a fraction of the possibilities that will give you a fresh perspective on the art of ink!

Unlike painting with a brush, the palette knife creates suggestive strokes with a much looser and more abstract feel. His approach is to stay loose and suggestive rather than copying. He feels the painting should transcend the actual subject. Watch as David seems to miraculously form a mountain, while explaining his thinking process from start to finish!

Ursula’s Bio

Born and raised in the wild Coastal woodlands of West Florida, I now make my home in the lush deserts of Southern Arizona. While the transition from a flat, tropical environment to the arid mountains of the Sonoran Desert felt anything but natural to me, I ultimately surrendered to the magic of seemingly unending transitions that can be found between the lower elevations and lofty sky island ranges.

I never imagined myself as an artist growing up, but was always a naturalist compelled by curiosity at the site of speckled eggs in a Blue Jay’s nest and the flashing neon of a summer sunset. It was a natural progression taking up various mediums to express the joy and wonder I sense directly onto a surface, or through my lens. All that passion has led me to explore numerous art mediums, including pen and ink, watercolor, acrylic and my current love, soft pastel. As I continue my growth, a shift to mixed media, combining all of my favorites when the subject merits it, was an easy progression. A creative life developed for me from years of gazing intently at the life around me and realizing that I had no choice but to find a way to translate what enraptures my soul.

I have been fortunate to earn a Nature Art Certificate at the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum Art Institute. I now happily serve there as an Art Educator as well as offering private lessons. My habit has been to take any class that grabs my attention and incorporate what I learn into my work as well as my teaching. I’ve exhibited at Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery, at the ASDM Baldwin Gallery, The ASDM Ironwood Gallery, at Murphy Gallery and most regularly on my personal website at as well as having the honor of my work being part of private collections across the United States as well as with international collectors.