Coordinators: Valerie St. Marie and Liz Wolf
The Watercolor SIG meets year-round in the SRAL studio every Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Some part time Green Valley members also meet most Fridays in the summer via Zoom.
We are an informal, social group, working on our own watercolor projects; providing members the opportunity to paint with fellow watercolorists, and to share ideas, techniques, and support. There are no formal demos or instruction, but members are generous with their help and suggestions. While the group focuses on watercolors, mixing media is also okay.
All skill levels are welcome! It’s relatively inexpensive to get started in watercolor. One does not need a lot of materials or space, just a couple of brushes, paper, watercolor pigment, a bucket of water and your creativity. The SRAL studio library also has many books on watercolor for your reference. Bring your paints and come join us!
Click image for full view of the artwork.
Pictures from left to right: Golden Glow by Kathleen Bolivar; Echinacea by Liz Wolf; Crow by Karen McDermott; Chihuly Reflections by Val St. Marie