In addition to criteria, this page contains information on acceptable hardware characteristics and copyright information. Learn More
In addition to the Exhibit Chairperson, this page contains job description for all the subcommittees needed to run an SRAL show. Click Here
Browse the catalog of books and DVD’s available to our membership by typing in a key word like “watercolor”, a title, or an author into the search bar on the library webpage.
Link to search engine for library https://www.librarycat.org/lib/sralartleague
Clicking on a book in the search results will let you know if a book is available or checked out. To check out a book, you must come into the studio and select your book from the shelf by our SRAL call code – letters for the topic and number, e.g., Wc stands for watercolor, Wc031, Ab stands for abstract, Ab002, Oi stands for oils, Oi015.
The studio monitors will check out your selections for you. The check out period is for 30 days. You will receive an email informing you when you check out a book and again when it is due.
To return a book, deposit it in the bin on the table in the library and inform the monitor that he/she needs to check in a book.