Coordinator (December thru April): Bruce Summers
Co-Coordinators (May thru November): Sharon Wirth and Shelby Jagla
The Portrait Group draws and paints from live model poses focusing on facial features during short and long poses. All media are welcome except for oil paints. Water mixable oils are acceptable for the main studio. Critiques and demonstrations may be available based on the groups’ wishes. All members are welcome regardless of experience.
The group meets on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in the main SRAL Studio. The group will meet December through April and may meet longer depending on the availability of a coordinator. During the off season, members usually work on paintings without a model.
Click image for full view of the artwork.
Pictures from left to right: Gene by Angelique Gillespie; Donna by Marge Baker; Captain by Sharon Wirth; Alex, Bookworm by Sharon Wirth