APRIL 10TH FROM 1:00 – 3:00 PM

“Painting in Harmony with a Limited Color Palette”

Barb Mulleneaux will wow us once again with her exploration of new materials, in addition to her use of color and shape to create harmonious and inspirational compositions. While many of our demo artists, in the past, have used cold wax to create mostly abstract paintings, Barb will show us how cold wax can be used to create more representational subjects. She will use cold wax to paint a still life using a limited palette and split complementary colors. Barb will also take us on a journey through her recent progression into using cold wax beyond the representational into more abstract works.


Barbara Mulleneaux, a resident of Green Valley, is a well-known Tucson and Tubac area artist, as well as an award winning plein air painter throughout the Southwest. She joined the Tucson Plein Air Painters in 2002 and was hooked! You’ll often find her in Tucson’s Barrio, palette and brush in hand. Barbara has served as president of the Sonoran Plein Air Painters and is a Signature member. She enjoys participating in plein air competitions and art shows, both regionally and nationally. Barbara’s work is very expressive, using color and texture to convey a personal connection to her subject matter. Her subjects are most often landscapes, but she loves painting the charm of old architecture and an occasional still life. Though Barbara is mostly known for her brilliant oil paintings, more recently she explored abstracts using cold wax.

Crow Magix

History Told By Barb