Coordinators: Amy Pilger and Bonnie Nelson
The SRAL Abstract Briggade Group celebrates the unique field of abstract art. The group meets the second Monday of every month from September through May at 10 AM in the Studio. This begins with their September meeting. The Abstract Group has been an active part of SRAL for over a decade and many of the 40 or so regular members are professional artists, and they happily share their experience.
A special abstract art exhibit, the “Eve Briggs Abstract Art Competition” happens every February, and this event is the responsibility of the group to organize. The next exhibit is scheduled for February 2024. The co-chairs and the show judge have already been selected. This exhibit has always been a BIG event.
Click image for full view of the artwork.
Pictured from left to right: “Sun Splashed,” by Susan McKelvy; “Intrigue,” by Angelique Gillespie; “Into The Deep ,” by Janet Johnson; “Autumn Treasures,” by Joan Cawthorn